Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's Day

I was going to do a Top Ten Tuesday post, but couldn't think of a topic I was in the mood to post about. So...maybe next week. In honor of April Fool's Day, I thought I would share the most outrageous April Fool's Day joke that I remember.

When we were in high school, my friend Susan faked a positive pregnancy test and left it in her bathroom trashcan for her mom to discover. Can you imagine being that mother? I could never come up with such a mean joke. Plus, I was such a nerd/goody-goody that my mother would have never fallen for it. Anyway, that's the most outrageous April Fool's Day joke I've heard of.

Do you have any good ones? I'd love a few laughs so please share.

P.S. Is it April Fool's Day or April Fools' Day?


Debra said...

Wow, that's terrible! How does one 'fake' a pregnancy test? Did she have a pregnant friend?

Haley said...

I think she drew the extra line on the test to make it look positive. Pretty crazy, huh?

Lydee said...

That is a good joke! One which should be played on my husband, april 1st not withstanding!

Anonymous said...

That's a great joke. Though rather traumatizing initially.