Sunday, August 15, 2010

Photos from Ohio: Part 3, Fun with Family

More pics from our Ohio trip.

This little bunny (we named it Petunia) was eating my mother-in-laws flowers every day. The bunny had no real fear of us and the boys LOVED going out to see the bunny.

Playing bean bags with Grandpa.

Another favorite activity: Being firemen (aka, watering the plants and flowers.)

One day a bunch of relatives came over for a BBQ including these adorable little twins.

N enjoying Grandma's garden.

Silliness with B's cousin Chris!


J was doing "headers" with Chris and actually hit this one!

Eating ice cream with Grandma.

1 comment:

Yarnhog said...

Aren't families great? Yours looks like mine--lots of little boys. Although our boys aren't quite so little anymore. :)