Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Working Girl

So as I mentioned yesterday, I'm starting a new job. I thought it was starting this week, but I got a reprieve until next week. Can you feel my excitement about working again?

I've been a full-time mom for 15 months now--ever since Little Man was born. I love it! Don't get me wrong, there are times that I miss the adult company that came with work. And I sometimes miss being appreciated for work other than the work required to take care of a small child. And I definitely live on a pretty tight budget in order to stay home--thus I knit from my small stash and with mostly craft store yarn. But I can definitely say that I don't miss working. Well, as I like to say, I'm still working, I just don't get paid anymore.

Anyway, I was recently approached by a former boss to do some work from home. And I decided to do it. I'm not sure why because I'm not all that excited about it. But I really like my old boss so I said yes. I am excited about having a little extra money, I'm just not excited about giving up any of my precious naptime to work. I was ready to make myself jump into the work this week, but my boss told me to wait until after I received an official contract. So I'm waiting. Oh, darn! Instead of working, I'm enjoying a beautiful summer day.

But next week, during naptime, I will begin my new job. I will happily create new word analysis (phonics) materials. I will be motivated and efficient so that I not only get work done on this project, but I also get my house cleaned and dinner cooked. And when Super Haley finishes all these tasks, she will happily sit and do what I did today--sit in the sun barefoot and knit. Now that's heaven and worth more than any salary can pay.


Anonymous said...

Of course you are still working. I admire any mom who can stay home. It's not for everyone, just like going back to work isnt' for every mom either. You have to find what works best to you, it sounds like you have!

Lydee said...

Wow, it's great to find another mom who is balancing working at home and mothering. I'm so glad my friend sophanne found your site!