Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Top Ten Tuesday: Specimen Box edition

It's Top Ten Tuesday and I've been avoiding my blog because I was totally uninspired as to what to write about in this week's Top Ten Tuesday. Then I read one of my favorite blogs, Dogged, and got sent to another new blog, Wise Craft, where I saw a lovely specimen box with paper butterflies in it. Ashley of Dogged made a lovely specimen box with yarn in it (Scroll down in linked post to see a picture of Ashley's specimen box). So, thus inspired, this week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is:

Top Ten Things I Wish I Could Preserve in a Specimen Box

10. Chocolate (so I always have an emergency stash)

9. My childhood nature collections (so I can remember how amazing the world really is)

8. Little Man's newborn feet (so I can always remember the awe I felt when I realized how amazingly tiny they were)

7. My "good job" moments from past jobs (so I can remember that even though I choose to be a stay-at-home mom I am a smart and successful person)

6. Patience (so I can pull it out next time my stranded project becomes a mass of tangled yarn or Little Man dumps his box of dominoes right after I finished cleaning them up for the upteenth time)

5. Myself, pregnant or nursing (so I can remember that once, very briefly, I had some nice curves)

4. My knitting firsts: first scarf, first sweater, first blanket, first softie, first stranded work (so I can see how much I've grown)

3. My "good mommy" moments (so I can pull them out when Little Man and I are having a rough and grumpy day)

2. My husband's love letters (so I can always remember the passion and naivety of our dating years)

1. Little Man's laughter (because it never fails to make me happy)

Edit: I forgot the sound of the ocean, a nice summer breeze, a night in during a great thunderstorm. There are so many wonderful things I would love to be able to preserve in a specimen box so I could have them whenever I needed them.


Anonymous said...

That's a really good post. I think I would like to have my mom and mother-in-law to remind me that one day my children will be grown and my time will be my own again and I need to enjoy it will it lasts.

pei girl said...

I just love your list of things you would love to have in your specimen box! have an awesome day

Lydee said...

yes, newborn's feet would be high on my list. They are so precious.

maritza said...

What a wonderful list!

sophanne said...

What a great post-