Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I am SO thankful...

I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family. B, the boys and I had a lovely week spent with my family in Virginia for Thanksgiving. We got to spend lots of time with my parents, my siblings, and my nieces and nephews. It was glorious! I am SO thankful!

The Thanksgiving Spread:

My brother's triplets:

The rest of the kids:

J, 3 years old.

N, 18 months old, on my dad's motorcycle.

My nephew, Michael, 6 years old.

My niece, Lizzie, 4 years old.
My nephew, Joe, 4 years old.
My nephew, Reed, 2 years old.
My niece, Mary, 2 years old.
My niece, Madeline, 2 years old.
Me, my good friend Emily, and my sister Cat
A little beauty in nature (my mom's cherry tree that blooms in the fall and spring):
I am SO thankful!


Lydee said...

wow, what a big family! i love that the kids have their own table, two tables in fact!

a cherry tree that blooms twice. that's really neat!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Looks like a great way to spend the holiday!

Nicole B. said...

glad it was such a great visit!

bodoba said...

my eyes literally bugged out when I saw the triplets, so much work! everyone looks happy and having a fun time though and that spread tells me they were probably full too.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any pictures of your demented brother-in-law. Did they finally put that guy away or was he just in prison for the holidays?