Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Need Some Fluff

Along with always having something on the needles, I'm one of those people who's always reading a book. I prefer fiction, but will sometimes get sucked into some good non-fiction. I love the escapism of a good book. I'm a very empathetic person, sometimes maybe too empathetic, so I get really sucked into whatever I'm reading. I tend to prefer books written by women or at least books whose main character is a woman. I just relate to them better. I'm not a book snob and am equally happy reading a fluffy romance and a more serious, artsy novel. But right now, I need some good fluff.

It seems everything I read recently is way too serious and heavy. Starting in July, I read an awful book called On Green Dolphin Street--male writer, way too much extra background stuff, not enough story and the story that was told was depressing--I actually almost didn't finish it and I NEVER stop reading a book before I finish it.

Then I went to the beach and wanted some good fluff so I asked my cousin who just graduated from high school for some recommendations (she was reading the entire week). She recommended anything by Jodi Picoult and the J.A.P. Chronicles. I started with the J.A.P. Chronicles. It was an interesting and quick read, but again gratuitously depressing in parts. The child molestation part was awful, but at least seemed a part of the plot. The rape scene seemed totally unnecessary and awful. It ruined an otherwise okay book.

Next, I picked My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. This was a really good book. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I thought the topic would be frustrating to read about, but it was really well written--but not exactly a happy go-lucky book.

Most recently, I read Madras on Rainy Days and it was interesting, but totally depressing-- especially an event that happened towards the end of the book. Awful! (the event, not the book--the book was okay.)

So I need some fluff. Some good girl-meets-boy fluff or girl-has-world-adventures fluff. Any suggestions? I want to escape to a happy go lucky life for a little while.


Lydee said...

Sorry, I'm wallowing in a "mud bog" (see sophanne's blog), when I get out maybe I'll have some suggestions. Right now, I can't think straight. I'm feeling your "heavy" reading pain though, so you have my empathy.

sophanne said...

HA! MUDBOG! The thing is- after a conversation, he really was talking about a mud bog and not what my brain feels like!